Swavy Curly Confidence 

The Ultimate Wavy Curly Hair Digital Product Guide

Find the absolute best products on the market for your waves and curls in 10 minutes or less with this comprehensive digital guide!

Are You Overwhelmed with Endless Curly Hair Product Choices?


Have you ever found yourself lost in the aisles, surrounded by a sea of curly hair products, each one promising miracles for your waves and curls?


Have you tried product after product, hoping that this time, finally, you'll discover the one that truly works for you and your unique hair type?


Are you tired of the trial and error, the disappointment, and the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach as you once again brave the hair care aisle in the store? 


What if there was a solution that could turn this confusion into clarity, frustration into joy, and disappointment into delight


What if you could open your cabinet and see only the products that were designed for you, your waves, and your curls?

Did you know…

 …that there's a way to effortlessly find the right products for your wavy curly hair without the frustration of endless product trials or the constant uncertainty of what works best for your unique hair type?


Imagine no longer feeling lost in a sea of options, no longer wasting time and money on products that don't meet your needs. Instead, envision a world where your hair care routine is a source of confidence and empowerment.


The breakthrough lies in understanding your unique waves and curls. By uncovering the specific needs of your hair type, you gain the power to make the right choices that align perfectly with what your hair needs.


What if you could benefit from someone else's journey? For the past five years, I've dedicated myself to learning ingredients labels, testing and exploring hundreds of products, unraveling the mysteries of wavy and curly hair care. 


Now, I'm bringing that wealth of knowledge to you in a beautifully designed, easy-to-use digital product guide.

Hi I'm


I know the journey of unruly, wavy curly hair all too well. The endless frustrations, the countless products promising miracles, and the disappointment that comes when those promises fall flat (LITERALLY) . But I also know the feeling of joy that comes with finally discovering a solution that works – because I've been there, walked the path, and unlocked the solution.


My quest to embrace my wavy curly hair led me on a five-year journey of trial and error, of testing hundreds of products to uncover the gems that truly enhance the beauty of waves and curls. As a fellow wavy curly-haired woman, I intimately understand the frustration, the insecurities, and the desire for a simpler, more effective way to care for our very special hair.


My background in teaching and chemistry has given me a unique advantage in deciphering the complexities of product formulations and ingredients lables. I'm not just offering a list of products – I'm offering you the knowledge to make informed choices, to become your own hair care expert, and to transform your relationship with your hair.


I created Swavy Curly Confidence because I believe every woman should experience the joy of loving her hair. My mission is to empower you to make the right choices that improve the health of your waves and curls, to replace frustration with confidence, and to transform your hair care routine into a delightful experience.


Join me on this journey of embracing the hair that you are fearfully and wonderfully made with! Let's unlock the true potential of your wavy curly hair together.

I have followed Courtney from the very beginning of my curly or should I say wavy hair journey and find her really helpful and informative!


I never knew how wavy my hair could actually be!! I knew I grew up with fairly straight hair - no curls as a baby or toddler -and continued to brush and curling iron and flat iron my hair for decades. I knew that I started getting mild waves underneath the outer layers of my hair (after having kids, my hair did a funny wavy-thing), but not all-over… or so I thought. Once I watched Swavy Curly Courtney demonstrate how to get healthier, wavier hair - naturally - I was hooked and committed to trying this out, for at least 6 months. I’m happy to report that even after 4 weeks, I have seen DRASTIC improvement in curl clumps, longer lasting waves after wash day, and I’m speedier at getting through the routine, now. Highly recommend! 


Courtney is incredibly helpful because she condenses countless hours of content in one compact and easy-to-follow crash course. Since I started following all of her steps my hair has been a lot less frizzy. 



Swavy Curly Confidence

The Ultimate Wavy Curly Hair Product Guide

What's inside this bundle?


How to Build a Curly Girl Washday:

A step by step video presentation explaining exactly how to pick the right products to build the perfect curly girl washday. 

(Usually $36 value)


Curl-pedia Product Guide:

The ultimate Curly Hair Product Guide that contains 230+ products in 13 different categories with 9 different points of comparison. All products linked to making adding to cart a breeze.

(Usually $110 value)


Curl Care Progress Log:

A 30 day washday log that allows you to document which products you used and how they works for your hair. 

(Usually $27 value)


Hair Type Decoder Guide: 

Finally figure out your hair type after answering two simple questions and understand which products to use for your hair type!

(Usually $22 value)

How to Build a Curly Girl Washday Presentation

(Usually $36 value)

Now you have a personal curly hair expert guiding you through the process of building the perfect washday routine – step by step. This is precisely what “How to Build a Curly Girl Washday” offers you: a comprehensive video presentation that demystifies the art of building the perfect washday routine with the right products for your unique curls.


How to Build a Curly Girl Washday gives you the tools you need in order to balance protein and moisture in your hair, and teaches you how to pick products based on your porosity and texture! 

Curl-pedia Product Guide

(Usually $110 value)

Introducing the centerpiece of your product selection revolution: the Curl-pedia Product Guide! Over 230 meticulously documented products across 13 categories – your one-stop source for every hair care need.


What truly elevates this guide is its unparalleled attention to detail. Each product isn't just listed; it's been rigorously assessed against 9 key criteria that matter most to individuals with curly hair. From hold to ingredients and fragrance, we've scrutinized every element to empower you with informed choices tailored to your hair needs.


But that's not all – convenience is paramount. Each product is conveniently linked for seamless shopping. With just a click, you can effortlessly explore products and confidently add them to your cart. We've simplified the process, so you can confidently embrace your curls without the guesswork.

Curl Care Progress Log

(Usually $27 value)

The 30 Day Washday Log included in the Swavy Curly Confidence guide is your personalized journal for a month-long hair journey. It's a tool that empowers you to meticulously document your hair care routine, from product combinations to outcomes. 


By tracking your experiences, you'll uncover trends, preferences, and successful techniques, transforming your routine into a tailored masterpiece that maximizes your hair's potential.


And each day in the curl care log there is an inspirational quote to keep you motivated on your healthy hair journey!

Hair Type Decoder Guide

(Usually $22 value)

Finally figure out your hair type with our Hair Type Decoder Guide, an invaluable resource within the Swavy Curly Confidence package!


I have distilled the complexity of understanding your hair into two simple questions, enabling you to accurately identify your hair type.


Armed with this newfound knowledge, you'll be equipped to navigate the world of curly hair products with confidence. 


No more trial and error – our guide empowers you to select products tailored specifically for your hair type, ensuring every choice you make improves the health your waves and curls.

Picture this….


You have chosen to dive and snag Swavy Curly Confidence Product Guide. You immediately have the knowledge of what your hair type is and which product to get for your hair. No more guessing!


A few weeks from now, you're looking in the mirror  seeing your gorgeous waves and curls. The transformation is real, and it all started with Swavy Curly Confidence .


Imagine waking up with excitement, knowing you're using products tailored to your hair. No more uncertainty – just confidence in your hair care routine.


Feel the breeze play with your revitalized ringlets as you go about your day, free from frizz concerns. You exude confidence.


You no longer waste hundreds of dollars trying out products that are wrong for you and your hair! 

Reviews from people with 

swavy curly confidence 

"After learning about the Curly Girl method I was very overwhelmed at first and always wondering where to start and which technique to try first. Courtney made it easy for me to get down the basic techniques first to set the baseline for my further journey. I really loved the easy-to-follow techniques and explanations.

- Karolin 

“All the guess worked was done for me and presented in an easy to follow, step by step video guide. It's up to me to take the methods presented and tweak and perfect as my hair type needs. But I really appreciated how concise and simple it was. Courtney has such a natural & genuine way about her and definitely has a gift for teaching. More than anything, this journey has given me the freedom to let go of my idea of what perfect hair should look like and embrace the hair I have. I consider that a victory in and of itself.” 

- Sarah 

“I heard about the Curly Girl Method a few years ago, and it sounded somewhat gimmicky to me. I had worn my hair curly before, and the recommendations of the Curly Girl Method just sounded like a gimmick. When I stumbled upon Courtney, her sincerity and earnestness impressed me to give these wacky-sounding ideas a good try. Each recommendation worked exactly as described, and I could see my hair get healthier very quickly. It really works. I really trust Courtney's wisdom and experience.”

- Cheryl 

“I tried the CGM 4 years ago but quickly gave up after feeling overwhelmed and disappointed by the result. Instead of leaving my natural curls to do what they wanted, I was so down about how my hair looked that I picked up the straightening irons. I came across Courtney while trying to make my way once more through the sea of CGM info and, wow, do I wish I had come across her first! She covers everything you need to start the CGM with confidence, perseverance and good-humor. Because of Courtney's advice and encouragement I have been able to keep going knowing that I'm treating my hair with the love and compassion it's always deserved.” 

- Bryony 

Curious About the Cost?💰 

⬇Your Price TODAY⬇


Normal Price

How to Build a Curly Girl Washday


Curl-pedia Product Guide


Curl Care Progress Log


Hair Type Decoder Guide



Total Value: $195

⬇Your Price TODAY⬇


This wont be around forever!

Why Are You Getting This Discount?

Unlocking Freedom: I want to make Swavy Curly Confidence accessible to as many people as possible, allowing them to experience the joy and confidence of embracing their hair without breaking the bank.

Building Trust: I believe in the quality of Swavy Curly Confidence Product Guide, and offering a discounted price allows more people to try it out and see the results for themselves. I want to earn your trust and show you the value and benefits of the product guide.

Pioneering Experience: As we launch this unique product guide, I invite you to join me as one of the first to experience Swavy Curly Confidence. Your valuable feedback will play a pivotal role in clarifying product confusion and making it an even more powerful resource for taming those unruly locks!

This offer wont last forever!

And let me spill the beans – I'm practically tossing this treasure your way like a pro frisbee champ.


Why? Because I'm all about helping folks who are dead-set on embracing the hair that they are fearfully and wonderfully made with!


Ready to combat product confusion and show your curls who's boss? 


Grab this chance to conquer the world of confident, radiant waves and curls!

you got this! 👊


Is this guide suitable for all hair types? 

Absolutely! While our focus is on wavy and curly hair, the Swavy Curly Confidence guide is designed to accommodate a range of hair types within the wavy and curly spectrum. We'll help you decode your unique waves and curls, ensuring that the product recommendations align with your hair's specific needs.

What if I've tried various products guides before and none of them helped?

We hear you, and that's exactly why Swavy Curly Confidence was created. Our approach isn't just about listing products – it's about understanding the needs of your unique waves and curls. By providing you with the knowledge to make informed decisions, we're confident that you'll finally find products that work harmoniously with your hair.

Can I get a refund if the guide doesn't banish my frizz completely? 

Sorry, but our frizz-fighting guarantee doesn't cover refunds. As this is a digital product and can be consumed completely upon downloading, refunds are a no go. But don't worry, our guide is so powerful, your will have all the knowledge and tools you need to find your perfect products!

I'm new to the world of hair care routines. Will this guide work for me?

Absolutely, and we're thrilled to guide you on this journey! Swavy Curly Confidence is designed with simplicity in mind. We'll walk you through understanding your hair type, decoding product labels, and crafting a routine that suits your lifestyle. Whether you're a newbie or already well-versed in hair care, this guide will empower you to make confident choices.

How long will it take to see results?

While individual experiences may vary, many of our users report seeing improvements in the health and appearance of their waves and curls within a few weeks. Consistency is key, and by following the tailored guidance in Swavy Curly Confidence, you'll be well on your way to a transformative hair care journey.

Will I get updates if there are any improvements or new content?

Absolutely! You'll receive all future updates for free, ensuring you always have the latest and greatest products on the market!

How long do I have access to the guide?

Forever and ever! Once you purchase, it's yours to keep and refer back to whenever you need.

Can I share the guide with my friends?

Sharing is caring, but please don't! Your purchase gives you a single-user license, so keep this to yourself.😬

Can I download the guide? 

Absolutely! Once you purchase, you can download on your phone or computer and keep it forever! 

So how does this work?


Step 1: Summon your courage and click the enchanted "Start Achieving Your Goals" button to embark on this magical hair transformation journey.


Step 2: Create your account with your email address and a secret passphrase (password) to access the treasure trove of hair wisdom.


Step 3: Prepare your payment and carefully input your payment information. Then, with a mighty click, submit the form and seal the deal.


Step 4: Grab your popcorn and prepare for a curly adventure as you binge the Swavy Curly Confidence guide.


Step 5: It's time to put your newfound knowledge to the test. Go out there and conquer the world with your stunning, awe-inspiring hair!

Claim Your Transformation Today! Don't Miss Out on This Special Offer.


Hurry, because this price is about to vanish into thin air. Enroll now to secure your spot and seize all that come with it. Your journey to hair confidence is waiting – let's make it happen together!

