Red Letter Media

Creating weird internet videos and films

  • 17,902 members
  • 1,730 posts

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$2.00 tier
 / month
Access to weekly update posts on Patreon of what we’re currently working on. We’re always in the midst of several projects at once, whether it be shooting a new Half in the Bag, editing a Best of the Worst, building sets, planning shoots, etc. We're only a small group and we keep very busy so there’s never a shortage of things to update everyone on.
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$5.00 tier
 / month
Access to what's in the $2 donation, plus posts on Patreon of behind the scenes photos from whatever projects we're currently working on, as well as older photos we've never posted anywhere else.
$15 or more per month
 / month

Access to what's in the $2 and $5 tiers, plus posts on Patreon of behind the scenes videos, outtake videos from Half in the Bag and Best of the Worst and sometimes longer discussions that were trimmed out of re:View episodes.

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Red Letter Media

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