Tokyo Time Lapse 東京のタイムラプスを 4K (UHD)

2014/08/25 に公開
視聴回数 183,719
Copyright © Bokah Media
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타임랩스 영상 라이센싱/사용 관련문의는 billmkim91@gmail.com로 해 주시기 바랍니다.

All clips are available up to 3840 x 2160 UHD
Photography / Post-Production : Bill Minhyuk Kim
Process in 4K resolution (3840x2160) with Canon Rebel t4i
Lens : Sigma 10-20mm, Sigma 50mm

BGM Credit (Nemesis Theory - Kainé Absolution)


Adventure videos and travel videos of the graceful city of Tokyo must undertake the task of capturing the city’s ability to balance the neon of modern with the antique wood of past. This timelapse video documents the true beauty of Tokyo at a speed faster than a bullet train. The music in their video is also somewhat of a mix of new and old as well, with a single woman singing something reminiscent of the Geishas of the past overlaid on modern techno / dubstep tracks.
The video touches on all the great landmarks of Tokyo like it’s famous Tokyo Tower as well as the Gundam statue and Hachiko statue. And how many adventure videos or travel videos can say they have Pikachu in them; well this one can. There’s even a short miniature faking shot in the middle of the video, just to spice things up. And did I mention there’s a dancing crab? Tokyo sure has a lot going on, and this video captures a good chunk of it.

#Tokyo #Japan #Timelapse #Hyperlapse #동경 #일본 #타임랩스 #하이퍼랩스