
2010/09/03 に公開
視聴回数 3,613,059
オリジナル曲です。チャンネル登録とgoodボタンよろしくね₍₍ (ง ˘ω˘ )ว ⁾⁾ ニコ動300万再生感謝!Thanks : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1728363 BGMとしての利用条件や English caption↓


■利用条件:非商用であればインターネット上に公開する作品の素材として自由にご利用いただけますよ('ω')ノ他にもニコニコモンズで曲や効果音など多数配布していますのでどうぞ。クレジット表記や、可能な範囲で原曲へのリンクなどをお願いします。商用利用、インターネット外での利用等につきましては Twitter (@shimakid) DM にてお問い合わせ下さい。
※注意※ 素材自体の再配布や、それに準ずる利用(素材自体の閲覧・配付・視聴を主眼においているとみとめられるもの*)はご遠慮願います。

[English caption]
Enjoy! I composed this song.
Song title: "みwなwぎwっwてwきwたwww(篠笛禁断症状L5)" (minagittekita - shinobue withdrawal syndrome)

Composed and played by shimakid a.k.a しましまP (Instruments: shinobue, ukulele, castanets, small djembe, handclaps, cheek-claps, voice... )

This music (movie) was originally posted at NicoNico Douga:

■Composer's comment: 'Hi, it's Shimakid. I was having a busy time not able to play the flute, and then something exploded over me and suddenly expelled into this creation. All parts were ad-libbed and recorded at one time, thus composition time = performance time. The clip shows my excitement during production.'

■Terms of use: You are free to use this song as *a part of* your non-commercial creation by giving credit to original work (e.g. use as BGM for your video upload). However, you are not allowed to redistribute this song as it is, or in the form that this song has primary value (e.g., music radio, looped version etc...).
For commercial use, please contact via Twitter (@shimakid).

You can download .mp3 of this song at: http://commons.nicovideo.jp/material/nc2003