A Message From MZ - dearMoon Crew Announcement | 前澤友作、ついにdearMoonクルーを発表

2022/12/09 に公開
視聴回数 93,605
I'm very thrilled to have these amazing people join me on my journey to the moon and excited to see what inspiring creations they come up with in space.


Yusaku Maezawa (MZ) - Entrepreneur

Born in Chiba prefecture, Japan in 1975 (age 47), he founded the company, Start Today Ltd. (currently, ZOZO, Inc.) in 1998 and launched the online fashion mall ZOZOTOWN in 2004. The company was listed on the TSE Mothers in December 2007 (3092) and on the TSE First Section in February 2012, and its market capitalization exceeded 1 trillion yen in August 2017. In September 2019, Maezawa stepped down as CEO at the same time as the company released its capital and business alliance with Yahoo Japan Corporation. Immediately after, he established Start Today Inc., and in 2021, he started thirteen of his own businesses, including his own company's business. In December 2021, he became the first Japanese civilian to visit the ISS, spending about 12 days on board.