International Road Race Le Mans 1953

2022/06/15 に公開
視聴回数 772
The Le Mans 24 Hour race is upon us! Enjoy this flashback to the 1953 race featuring cars from the collection such as the 1952 Cunningham C-4R with Briggs Cunningham and William “Bill” Spear at the wheel; the 1952 Cunningham C-4RK with Charles Moran Jr. and John Gordon Bennett piloting; and the 1953 Cunningham C-5R with Phil Walters and John Fitch driving. The Walters / Fitch duo reached speeds upward of 154 mph and placed third overall. This 1953 race was the first to use a radar gun to measure speeds on the Hunaudières (Mulsanne) Straight.

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