Owner's Manual Mazda 3 Videos 360° View Monitor LHD Reverse out | Mazda Myanmar

2021/05/27 に公開
視聴回数 1,581
A full 360º view around your Mazda3 to help you detect objects nearby, minimise blind spots and avoid potential danger.
Sales Hotlines
YGN: 019670282
MDY: 09 456 1111 04 - 09 456 1111 05
Test Drive Booking: https://www.mazda.com.mm/en/test-drive

Service Hotlines (Booking in advance)
YGN: 019670286
MDY: 09 456111107 - 09 456 111 108 - 09 977 388 829
Service Booking: https://www.mazda.com.mm/en/after-sale

Showroom Address:
YANGON: No. 51, Pyay Road, 7 ½ Miles, Mayangone Township
MANDALAY: No. 10(A), The corner of 77th & 35th Street, Mahar Aung Myay Township
Website: www.mazda.com.mm