Rectal Examination and Prostate Exam - Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) - Medical School Clinical Skills

2020/08/15 に公開
視聴回数 1,119,129
The Rectal Examination or digital rectal exam (DRE) is a vitally important clinical skill - as part of abdominal, neurological and GUM clinical examinations

Often at Medical School, the rectal exam is a very difficult clinical skill to teach practically as a result it is often left to academic study. As a result, it is a medical examination which students are often quite anxious about when asked to perform on the wards - both due to their original exposure, but also lack of revision opportunities

Limbs and Things, have a range of products which enable the simulated practice of intimate examinations - such as the rectal examination - although it is worthwhile highlighting the that digital rectal exam (DRE) is often incorrectly termed "a PR" where PR stands for per rectum - literally meaning "by rectum" and thus should be recognised as an administration approach, not a medical examination

This video reviews the anal, rectal and prostate exam, as well as reviewing potential pathologies of the prostate.

#RectalExamination #ClinicalSkills #DrJamesGill

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