RHS Garden Bridgewater

2023/01/10 に公開
視聴回数 233
↟↟ Designed as an open space, the 'Welcome Building' on the grounds of the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) in Worsley, Great Britain, impresses with the use of various timber construction elements in the roof structure.

↟↟ In addition to glued laminated timber columns, the construction consists of modular cassette elements with diagonally arranged internal grillages and straight outer glued laminated timber rafters. Overlying cross-laminated timber elements serve as roof ends and as bracing for the individual cassettes.

↟↟ HESS TIMBER, a member of the HASSLACHER Group, was responsible for the engineering, production, delivery of the timber components and assembly of the roof structure. The project has already received several national and international awards for its sustainable architecture.
⭆ Used products:
- 250 m³ Glued laminated timber
⭆ Location: Worsley, Great Britain
⭆ Client: Royal Horticultural Society (RHS)
⭆ Architect: Hodder + Partners
⭆ Structural analysis and design: RWT Plus ZT GmbH
⭆ General contractor: BAM Construction
⭆ Year of construction: 2020
⭆ Photography: © HASSLACHER group | Peter Cook

#HasslacherNoricaTimber #FromWoodToWonders #RHSGardenBridgewaterWelcomeBuilding 🐿️

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Link: https://www.hasslacher.com/en/rhs-garden-bridgewater-welcome-building

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