HARRY POTTER Full Movie (2024): Hogwarts Final Battle with Voldemort | FullHDvideos4me (Game Movie)

2024/01/21 に公開
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HARRY POTTER Full Movie (2024): Hogwarts Final Battle with Voldemort | FullHDvideos4me (Game Movie)
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Calling all wizards and muggles! Here is a fanmade Harry Potter full movie, based on the cutscenes of the game Hogwarts Legacy, to take you back to the wizarding world and experience the Hogwarts battle once again. This movie rounds up Harry’s time at Hogwarts and the epic final battle Harry vs Voldemort.

The game-related movie starts with Professor Eleazar Fig and George Osric accompanying Harry Potter, as he is on his way to Hogwarts to start school as a fifth-year student. During the ride, Harry Potter gets attacked by Death Eaters. Their carriage gets destroyed, killing Osric, while Harry and Eleazar are transported to an unknown place. By watching Harry Potter as a full movie for 2024, you will see Harry and Eleazar visit Gringotts Bank, after which they reach Hogwarts.

After getting sorted into Gryffindor House, Harry meets Minerva McGonagall, who shows him to the common room. On his first day at Hogwarts, Harry attends Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts classes. Later, Harry Potter gets his wand from Garrick Ollivander; 11 inches with a Unicorn hair core. As you continue to watch the Harry Potter movie in full length, you will see Harry visiting Hogsmeade with the other students, where two trolls attack them according to Lord Voldemort’s plan. However, Harry takes them down single-handedly.

Next, the fan-tribute to Harry Potter takes us to Albus Dumbledore’s past, where he uses his magic to bring ephemeral bloom to a dried-out village. Coming back to the present times, Harry meets Ginny Weasley in Herbology, as she introduces them to Mandrakes. Later, during the Broom Flight Class, Harry meets Irma Pince, the flying instructor.

As the Hogwarts battle draws nearer, Albus Dumbledore guides Harry about the reservoir of ancient magic. But in a chaotic turn of events, Ginny gets possessed by Voldemort and Harry saves her. Harry and Ginny confront Draco Malfoy about telling the Ministry about Buckbeak. However, Harry Potter rescues Buckbeak from being executed.

Meanwhile, Sebastian gets his hand on the Magic Heart to cure Leah, but the librarian takes it away, as it is forbidden. Right before the final battle Harry vs Voldemort, Voldemort confronts Quirinus Quirrell about not being able to locate the stores of ancient magic.

The game-related Harry Potter full movie for 2024 continues, as Harry and Ginny rescue Hungarian Horntail, after which Harry and Ginny meet Centaurs and ask for their help in the Hogwarts battle. A glimpse of the past shows us Isadora taking away Dumbledore’s pain. In a turn of events, the Order of the Phoenix prepares for the final battle Harry vs Voldemort.

Be excited about the end of the full movie Harry Potter, as we see Harry’s confrontation with Voldemort. After a small battle between Albus Dumbledore vs Dolores Umbridge, Harry Potter confronts Quirinus Quirrell and kills him with the killing curse. In the outro, we see a blissful Hogwarts standing in all its glory under the snowy sky!

In the following, you will receive an overview of what you can expect from our Harry Potter fan project released for 2024:

0:00 Intro
4:37 Harry Potter gets Attacked by Death Eaters
13:46 Getting Sorted into Gryffindor House
20:40 Harry meets Minerva McGonagall
26:46 Defense against the Dark Arts
31:25 Harry Potter Gets His Wand
35:10 Lord Voldemort’s Plan
40:37 Albus Dumbledore's Past
45:43 Harry meets Ginny Weasley
50:51 Harry meets Irma Pince
55:58 Albus Dumbledore guides Harry
59:18 Ginny gets Possessed by Voldemort
1:02:24 Harry and Ginny Confront Draco Malfoy
1:07:36 The Heart of Magic
1:09:45 Harry Potter Rescues Buckbeak
1:12:41 Voldemort Confronts Quirinus Quirrell
1:19:33 Harry and Ginny Rescue Hungarian Horntail
1:28:28 Harry and Ginny meet Centaurs
1:30:57 Dumbledore's Pain
1:34:13 Order of the Phoenix
1:39:34 Harry's confrontation with Voldemort
1:45:53 Albus Dumbledore vs Dolores Umbridge
1:52:03 Harry Potter Confronts Quirinus Quirrell
1:55:55 Outro

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Thank you for watching our video: HARRY POTTER Full Movie (2024): Hogwarts Final Battle with Voldemort | FullHDvideos4me (Game Movie)