Moneypenny's Lock | Portadown | Newry Canal | Things to do in Northern Ireland

2019/11/08 に公開
視聴回数 3,479
Moneypenny's Lock is situated just outside Portadown along the Newry Canal which runs between the Cusher River and the River Bann. It is an area of outstanding natural beauty in a tranquil area outside Portadown and can be accessed from Portadown via a two-mile walk from Shillington's Quay car park or you can park at Knockbride where Moneypenny's lock can be accessed via a 10-minute walk along the Newry Canal.

Moneypenny's Lock is home to an 18th Century lock-keeper'a houae which has been restored along with stables and a bothy. In the stables there is an exhibition for any historians who might be interested to learn about the Newry Canal's history which is the oldest summit level canal in the British Isles.

at Moneypenny's Lock the bothy and stables are used for a blacksmith's workshop that provides classes to the public in an aim to celebrate and revisit the craft and used ancient techniques alongside more modern modes of metal work to boost the creativity of those who may be interested.

The area itself is tranquil and picturesque. Perfect for a chilled family day out with plenty of picnic tables available the use of the area is encouraged as visitors can enjoy the peace and quiet of the countryside close to the River Bann and the Newry Canal.

Moneypenny's Lock is home to lots of wildlife and plant species and the beautiful Kingfisher attracts many birdwatchers from all over. The wildlife and wealth of plant species add to the areas natural beauty and its attraction to those seeking a chilled family day out or getaway.

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