【武田氏滅亡 リメイク版】 信長・家康に追い詰められた勝頼、天目山で自決し、武田氏滅亡す。

2023/05/20 に公開
視聴回数 37,316
moka studio2020です。この動画は、武田氏滅亡について説明した動画です。平山優氏の『武田氏滅亡』を参考に構成しています。2022年12月にアップした武田氏滅亡のリメイク版です。

This video explains the destruction of the Takeda clan. It is a remake of "The Fall of the Takeda Clan" by Masaru Hirayama, uploaded in December 2022.
 There are several theories about the last days of Katsuyori and his party, and the truth is unknown. Here, I have used the account of Masaru Hirayama's "Koranki" as the core of my version of the destruction of the Takeda Clan.
When the fall of Takato Castle on March 2 was reported to Shinpu Castle, Katsuyori set fire to Shinpu Castle on the following March 3, and fell into the county, relying on Oyamada Nobumo. However, when Nobumo did not send a retainer, Katsuyori realized that Nobumo had betrayed him and closed the entrance to the county. Katsuyori thus set out for Tenmokuzan Seiunji Temple, where the Takeda clan was on the verge of extinction. On March 11, Katsuyori decided to commit suicide in Tano while his few remaining loyalists, including Komiyama Naizen and Tsuchiya Masatsune, held off the onrushing Oda forces. Mrs. Hojo also committed suicide at the same time. Thus, the Takeda clan, a prominent member of the Kai Genji clan, was destroyed.

平山優 『武田氏滅亡』(角川選書)
#武田氏滅亡 #武田勝頼 #織田信長 #甲州征伐