お月見ごはん / 十五夜 / 晩御飯 / 40代主婦の日常 / 栗ご飯 / 月見つくね / 丁寧な暮らし / Tsukimi Dinner

2021/09/19 に公開
視聴回数 159,286


●栗ご飯 → 馬渡新平 / 白ヒビ粉引長角プレート
●月見つくね → Shoshi Watanabe / FLAT PLATE YELLOW&COBALT
●秋野菜の天ぷら → 小林徹也 / リム皿 M・L(粉引)
●柿の白和え → 小林徹也 / リム中鉢(粉引)
●鯛の塩昆布和えライム風味 → 作家不明
●鮎の佃煮 → 作家不明
●お団子 → 三宝
●けんちん汁 → 作者不明 / お椀
●取り皿 → せともの本舗 / 染付祥瑞見込うさぎ菊彫六角皿
●箸置き → 磁今 / 箸置き沢瀉
●グラス → 三浦侑子 / スモール台付グラス

 せともの本舗 https://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/setomono/

 農口尚彦研究所 ひやおろし 720ml(日本 / 石川県)


Thank you for watching.

Today I'd like to share our family's moon-viewing meal for the soon-to-come Jugoya.
This year, 2021, it's on Tuesday, September 21.
I had a lot of trouble coordinating... I'm very happy with the result.
We decided on a menu that included dishes related to moon viewing, dishes that children like, and for the adults, sake hiyaoroshi, which is only available at this time of year.
I'd like to darken the room with candles and eat while watching the moon on that day too!
Please take a look and relax☺.

<Dishes and Plates of the Day>
●Rice cooked with chestnuts → Shinpei Mawatari / Long Rectangular Plate
●Tsukune (tsukimi tsukune) → Shoshi Watanabe / FLAT PLATE YELLOW&COBALT
●Tempura of autumn vegetables → Tetsuya Kobayashi / Rim plates M, L (powdered gold)
●Tofu paste with persimmon → Tetsuya Kobayashi / Medium bowl with rim (kohiki)
●Sea bream with salted kelp and lime flavor → Artist unknown
●Tsukudani of ayu fish → Artist unknown
●Rice dumplings → Sanbou
●Kenchinjiru → Artist unknown / Bowl
●Kenchin-jiru → Unknown / Bowl
●Dish → Setono Honpo / Hexagonal plate with chrysanthemum carving of rabbit
●chopstick rest → Jikin / chopstick rest
●Glass → Yuko Miura / Glass with a small stand

<Today's Sake>
 Naohiko Noriguchi Laboratory Hiyaoroshi 720ml(Japan / Ishikawa)
