Kiev ( aircraft carrier ) * Киев ( авианесущий крейсер ) - Demonstration

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«Киев» — тяжёлый авианесущий крейсер (ТАКР) Северного флота Военно-Морского Флота СССР (ВМФ СССР; г. Североморск). Головной корабль проекта 1143.
В июле—августе 1976 г. ТАКР Киев с пятью боевыми Як-З6М и одним учебным Як-З6МУ совершил переход к месту своего базирования на Северном флоте. В Средиземном море состоялись первые за пределами СССР полеты Як-З6М. На Севере в августе—декабре 1976 г. были проведены госиспытания второго этапа — ударного ракетного комплекса «Базальт», комплексные испытания радиоэлектронного вооружения в составе корабельной группы, групповые полеты ЛАк, а также мореходные испытания корабля. Постановлением Правительства в феврале 1977 г. ТАКР «Киев» приняли на вооружение ВМФ.

The Kiev-class aircraft carriers (also known as Project 1143 or as the Krechyet (Gyrfalcon) class) were the first class of fixed-wing aircraft carriers built in the Soviet Union.Unlike American or British carriers, the Kiev class is a combination of a cruiser and a carrier. In the Soviet Navy this class of ships was specifically designated as a heavy aviation cruiser rather than just an aircraft carrier. Although the ships were designed with an island superstructure to starboard, with a 2/3 length angled flight deck, the foredeck was taken up with the heavy missile armament. The intended mission of the Kiev class was support for strategic missile submarines, other surface ships and naval aviation; it was capable of engaging in anti-aircraft, anti-submarine and surface warfare.A total of four Kiev class carriers were built and commissioned, serving in the Soviet and then Russian Navy. The first three were decommissioned, of which, one was scrapped and two were sold as recreational pieces to China. The fourth ship, Admiral Gorshkov, was sold to the Indian Navy in 2004, and after years of extensive modifications and refurbishment, is currently in active service.