Bedridden No More: Carnivore Journey to Overcome Parkinson's, RA, Stroke & Thrive!

2024/03/06 に公開
視聴回数 206,956
Discover the inspiring journey of Mimi, a 69-year-old who turned her life around from being bedridden with Parkinson's, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), and the aftermath of a stroke, to thriving beyond belief. Thanks to the carnivore diet, she's not only medication-free but is now embarking on fitness challenges that defy her age. This incredible story showcases the power of dietary changes in overcoming severe health challenges and reclaiming a vibrant, active life. Join us as we delve into her transformative health odyssey, proving it's never too late to change your life and health trajectory.
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Welcome to HomesteadHow/ Healing Humanity!

Here, I share my life on my homestead AND my journey exploring a proper human diet. From deep dives to everyday experiences, join me as we uncover the impact of this lifestyle. Subscribe to stay updated!


Content here is for educational purposes from my personal journey with the Carnivore Diet. It's not medical advice. I’m not a medical professional. Consult with a healthcare provider for diet or health changes. Information is based on my views and for discussion and learning.

Content here is for educational purposes from my personal journey with the Carnivore Diet. It's not medical advice. I’m not a medical professional. Consult with a healthcare provider for diet or health changes. Information is based on my views and for discussion and learning.