【日本料理太月さん直伝】炊き込みご飯と和食 / プロから教えてもらうホタルイカとふきのとうの炊き込みご飯 / 40代主婦の日常 / 丁寧な暮らし / Takikomi-gohan

2022/02/22 に公開
視聴回数 32,207

実はこの炊き込みご飯は私の好きなお店ミシュラン1つ星獲得の【日本料理 太月】さんで頂ける炊き込みご飯なんです。

●ホタルイカとふきのとうの炊き込みご飯 → 戸津圭一郎 / 美味しい土鍋
●鶏五目肉団子汁 → 漆椀
●鰆のねぎ味噌マヨネーズ焼き → 馬渡新平 / 白ヒビ粉引長角プレート
●菜の花とツナの塩昆布和え → 額賀円也 / 灰粉引5寸梅皿
●大根とスモークサーモンのマリネ → 額賀円也 / 三島 蕎麦猪口
●筍の木の芽の味噌掛け → 馬渡新平 / 白ヒビ粉引取り鉢
●うどとみょうがと水菜のシャキシャキサラダ → 朝虹窯・余宮隆 / 白濁釉花リムオーバル皿
●茶碗 → 窯元もの
●日本酒 → 三浦侑子 / スモール台付グラス

長珍 純米 八反錦60 ささにごり生 (愛知 / 津島市)

  水     1L
  昆布    10g
  かつお節  40g
 米     2合
 ホタルイカ 50杯くらい
 出汁    2~3カップ
 酒     出汁の1割弱
 濃口醤油  少々
 ふきのとう 1パック
 出汁    2~3カップ
 みりん   大さじ3
 薄口醤油  大さじ1と½
 塩     少々

🌟日本料理 太月 :https://tagetsu.tokyo/


Thank you for watching.

The "Rice cooked with firefly squid and butterbur shoot" I made the other day didn't turn out so well... Today is my revenge!
This takikomi-gohan is actually the kind of takikomi-gohan you can get at my favorite restaurant, the Michelin-starred “Japanese Cuisine Tagetsu”.
The owner of the restaurant, Mr. Mochizuki, kindly gave me a special lecture on how to make "Rice cooked with firefly squid and butterbur shoot".
I'll show you how to make it along with a video of the lecture, so I hope you will try it too.
This is a very tasty takikomi-gohan with the bitterness of fukinoto and the flavor of firefly squid.
Please check it out.

🍽Dishes and Plates of the Day
●Rice cooked with firefly squid and butterbur shoot → Keiichiro Totsu / Delicious earthenware pot
●Chicken Dumpling Soup → lacquer bowl
●Spanish Mackerel with Green Onion Miso → Shinpei Mawatari / Long Rectangular Plate with White Hibi Powder Coating
●Rape Blossoms and Tuna with Salted Kelp → Nukaga Enya / 5" Plum Plate with Powdered Ash
●Marinated Daikon and Smoked Salmon → Nukaga Enya / Mishima Soba Inoguchi
Bamboo Shoots with Kinome Miso → Shinpei Mawatari / Bowl with powdered white crack
●Crunchy Salad with Udo, Myoga and Mizuna green → Takashi Yomiya, Asanijigama Kiln / Oval dish with flower rim under cloudy white glaze
●Rice Bowl → Kilnware
●Sake → Yuko Miura / Glass with small stand

🍶Today's sake
Chochin Junmai Hatannishiki 60 Sasanigori Raw (Japan / Aichi)

👩‍🍳Rice cooked with firefly squid and butterbur shoot
 For soup stock
  1L water
  10g kombu
  40g bonito flakes
 2 cups rice
 about 50 firefly squid
 2 to 3 cups soup stock
 sake (less than 10% of the soup stock)
 A little dark soy sauce
 1 pack of butterbur's buttercup
 2 to 3 cups soup stock
 3 tablespoons mirin (sweet cooking rice wine)
 1 and ½ tbsp light soy sauce
 A pinch of salt

🌟Japanese Cuisine Taigetsu : https://tagetsu.tokyo/
 The restaurant is very nice, so if you're interested, please visit!
