Horror Inc - The Absent
Horror Inc. - Dans la nuit
Horror Inc. - I Can't Look At You
Horror Inc. - Mourning
Horror Inc - Misery
Horror Inc - Splatterhouse
Horror Inc. - The Vanishing [Perlon - PERL 042]
Horror Inc. - Phowa
Horror Inc. - The Sentinel (Stephen Beaupre Remix) (PERL106)
Horror Inc - Dracula (Lyric video)
Horror Inc - The Fox And The Lion (Le Renard & Le Lion)
horror inc. - sentinel ( official video )
Horror Inc. - The Soul (The Essence Of Breath) [AOA06]
Horror Inc. - The Sentinel (Stephen Beaupre Remix) [Perlon – PERL106]
Perlon - Horror Inc - The Vanishing
Horror Inc LIVE @ Bonifacy 14 12 2013
Horror inc. - Aurore
Horror Inc. - Siamese Twins
DHI (death and horror inc) - New Vision (1990 Mix Restored) (OFFICIAL Video Remastered)