Drama as drunk drivers are arrested in NTSA's Mtwapa swoop
Alco blow arrests
Alco blow operations in Nairobi
Alcoblow Nets 30 Drunk Motorists In Nairobi, Nakuru
Daytime alco-blow shocker for motorists
The Alcoblow Is Back
IG Joseph Boinnet announces extended use of Alco blow during the day
NTSA claims court ruling doesn't ban use of Alco-blow but directs how and when to use it
Bar Owners Threaten To Sue The Alcoblow
Ironically Kenyans are glad about the end of Alco-Blow: Friday briefing part 2
Kipimapombe kutumika wakati wa msimu wa krismasi ya (ALCO BLOW)
28 drunken motorists arrested in Nairobi, Eldoret
Kenya Breathalyzer
Neno sacco in Embu County introduces Alco Blow
Jhené Aiko - stranger (Audio)
Alcohol Swoop By Day
Alcoblow Raid Nabs Motorists As Lorry Plunges Into A River, Nyeri
Revelers in trouble as alcoblow lands in Kisumu
"Every man must have a concubine..." reiterates a reveller as NTSA ends Alco-Blow