The Hitachi Global Foundation Asia Innovation Award 2020 Best Innovation Award - Dr. Tan Minh Nguyen

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The Hitachi Global Foundation Asia Innovation Award is an award program, launched in 2020, to promote science, technology and innovation that contributes to solving social issues and realizing a sustainable society in the ASEAN region.

This award recognizes individuals and groups that undeniably served public interests through their outstanding achievements in research and development (R&D) in the fields of science and technology, including their visions of an ideal future society and social implementation plans for R&D as a means of achieving the UN’s SDGs.

In 2020, 18 universities and research institutes in six ASEAN countries were invited to submit R&D achievements that contribute to Goal 2 "Zero Hunger" and Goal 3 "Good Health and Well-being" of the SDGs and the 12 recipients were selected for the awards.

Please visit the website for the research overviews of recipients (two recipients for the Best Innovation Award, two recipients for the Outstanding Innovation Award, eight recipients for the Encouragement Award).

Here we introduce the videos of the two recipients for the Best Innovation Award:
‐ Dr. Ajeng Arum Sari “Rehabilitation and Conservation of Citarum Watershed in Indonesia”
‐ Dr. Tan Minh Nguyen “Creating Added Values of Agricultural and Fishery Products by Low Temperature Processing Solution ‘JEVA’ ”