Tip of the day from The Sanctuary in Malvern, PA: Respiratory Diaphragm

2024/05/02 に公開
視聴回数 953
As I'm preparing to teach MFR I in Kalamazoo, Michigan this weekend, I thought I'd post this little tip about finding a position of ease while performing a respiratory diaphragm release so that your shoulder girdle, neck, arms and hands can stay soft. Staying soft will help our proprioceptive senses perceive more accurately what's going on in their body which will help guide you in treatment.

Try this out and let me know how it works! 😊

Valerie McGraw, PT
Chief Physical Therapist
Clinic Manager
John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release Treatment Center
The Sanctuary
Malvern, PA

MFR I, MFR II, Unwinding, MFR III, AUW, CT, FP, WHS, Healing Seminar, REB, PEDS, MF Freedom, T4T's, SES, Full Instructor MFR Seminars, MFR I DVD Facilitator, Fascial Pelvis Instructor