【4K 座間味島】古座間味ビーチでシュノーケル Snorkeling on Furuzamami-Beach, Zamami-Island

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From ”Master Pyonta's Diary”

Under the clear blue sky, the "Ferry Zamami" departed Tomari Port at ten o’clock.
As we passed under the bridge called Tomari-Ohashi, we saw a plane landing at the Naha airport.
Small white birds were dashing toward the ferry.
We were reminded at the same time of the white birds flying around the island in our memories of TV animation, "The Future Boy Conan".

Soon after we passed the white lighthouse on the right, the sound of flight approached from the right side ahead of the ferry. It was an airplane ready to land. The plane flew in a straight line toward us and passed over our heads in a flash.

After having Obento during the two-hour ferry ride, we arrived at Zamami Port at noon. We immediately boarded the bus for Furuzamami Beach.

The bus took about 10 minutes over a steep mountain to reach the beach.
Furuzamami Beach was lined with parasols, and Aka Island can be seen across the crystal-clear sea.

Lucky said, "Bow-wow, I'm going to check it out!" and started swimming. He swam straight to the buoy, then came straight back when he saw me getting ready and entering the water.
The white bottom of the sea soon became deeper, and eventually we were surrounded by a surprisingly large number of fish.

We also encountered a school of small cuttlefish. We pretended to be seaweed and quietly approached them, but they soon became aware of us and quickly flew away.

The depth of the water made it difficult to see the fish in the sand, but scattered coral islets revealed bright orange anemonefish and striped anemonefish swimming away from their home.

Unexpectedly, there were Pink Anemonefish on a small island in a very shallow area.
We never tired of admiring its dainty white form. We could also see the tiny clownfish beyond them, as well as the orange anemonefish relaxing in their comfortable anemone home in the foreground

We got back on the bus to Zamami Port in time to catch the jet ferry home, but as soon as we got off the bus, I noticed something strange about Lucky.
“Lucky, your left ear is in some kind of trouble”.
Lucky's left ear became bright red and swollen. Since he was wearing a swimming cap when he swims, his face and ears are the only parts of his body that show skin. It seemed that he had been stung by a jellyfish. Lucky was so startled that he burst into tears. He seemed to have noticed the pain. It reminded me of the ghost story "Hoichi the Earless", in which a blind priest forgot to write sutra on his ears and had his ears torn off by the ghost. Lucky went away with a whimper.

As I worried, but Lucky came back from across the street with a beer in his left hand and a bowl of seafood in his right. Now he was smiling. “A bowl of seafood and a beer are the best" he said, and offered to share them with me. The combination of squid and tuna on top of a bowl of rice and a cup of beer was a perfect combination.

We took a ferry and visited a different island every day, meeting Mr. Sea Turtle and beautiful fish.
It was a miraculous summer holiday.

In the picture diary book, Lucky placed side by side a photo of Marilyn's statue taken when we visited Zamami Island in 2016 and a photo of Shiro's statue taken this time of our visit to Aka Island.
He will probably show the diary to his sister, the water goblin.
Maybe his sister will place the diary in her treasure box.