The Garden of Allah 1936 Film in English, Marlene Dietrich, Charles Boyer, Tilly Losch
Marlene Dietrich 'Marlene Dietrich At The Cafe De Paris, London' 33⅓ 10" 1954 Album
Buried Under A Bridge In Paris Cemetery | NO REST FOR THE DEAD?
七人の罪人のカフェ 1940年(テイ・ガーネット監督)マレーネ・ディートリッヒ&ジョン・ウェイン
Newsreel of the funeral of Astrid, Queen of the Belgians
Dior's Fashions For 1955 (1954)
1925 Tour of MGM Studios
Marlene Dietrich takes a "Sentimental Journey"!
Marlene Dietrich am Filmfestival in Locarno (1960) | Filmstars in der Schweiz | SRF Archiv
Paris Fashions (1909)
Marlene Dietrich - Ein Engel in der Dämmerung 01/04