LUNA SEA「so tender…」2021.12.21@神戸国際会館こくさいホール (for JLODlive)

2022/02/20 に公開
視聴回数 100,471
全国ツアー「LUNA SEA 30th Anniversary Tour 20202021 -CROSS THE UNIVERSE-」より、12月21日(日)に開催された「神戸国際会館こくさいホール」公演の模様から、最新アルバム「CROSS」のラストナンバーであり、このツアー全ての会場でラストシーンを彩った「so tender...」のライヴ映像が特別公開された。


波乱万丈で突き進んできた2年に渡る全国ツアーの最終盤となった本公演を終え、残すはGRAND FINALさいたまスーパーアリーナ公演と、振替となった大阪公演を残すのみとなったが、この神戸公演の直後、この全国ツアーの終わりを待って、RYUICHI(Vo)が声帯に出来た静脈瘤を除去する手術を決行することが発表される。


Performed during the nationwide tour "LUNA SEA 30th Anniversary Tour 20202021 -CROSS THE UNIVERSE-", the following video was taken at the Kobe International House International Hall concert in Kobe, held on Sunday, December 21. It showcases a performance of the last number of the latest album "CROSS", called "so tender...", which was used as the closing song at all the venues of this tour.

The ending scene of the live arrangement concluded in a dazzling beam spreading from the stage making it merge with the venue and melt into one. This was mirroring the feeling that They are overcoming this pandemic together with their fans, ready to move forward step by step.

Immediately after the Kobe show, Vocal RYUICHI announced that he would have surgery to remove polyps from his vocal cords after the tour has ended.

This movie is a real reflection of the band's all-out performance on this tour, despite the throat issues of their iconic Vocal.