
視聴回数 18,944

店  名 鮨 よし田(すしよしだ):https://bit.ly/鮨よし田
住  所 京都府京都市東山区祇園町南側570-179
営業時間 11:30~13:30(L.O.13:00)
定 休 日 不定休
電  話 080-3800-4439
交  通 祇園四条駅より徒歩約7分
◆京都◆絶対行きたいグルメランキング https://bit.ly/kyoto-taisetsunahito

[ Sushi Yoshida [Kyoto Prefecture, Gion Shijo] Recommended sushi in Kyoto that you want to go on a date! If you go with your loved one, this sushi! (Japanese food, hideaway, famous restaurant, Japanese cuisine, Kyoto food) ]

Even if you are told at a sushi restaurant in Gion that you like what you like, as much as you like, you may be disappointed. You can enjoy Edomae sushi in Gion with the smile and care of General Norihiko Yoshida, who seems to be strict at first glance. Kappou cuisine is also popular, so please try it. The budget is about 12,000 to 25,000 yen per person for lunch. At night, it costs about 25,000 to 50,000 yen per person. The drink menu and map (access map) are at the end of the video!


#鮨よし田 #寿司 #祇園四条 #京都 #よし田
#割烹料理 #和食 # #デート #記念日 #祇園
#大切な日 #大切な人 #クリスマス #誕生日 #ミシュラン
#michelin #kyoto #yoshida #japanesefood #sushi