Kong Fist vs Everyone on Crane

2024/04/11 に公開
視聴回数 4,011
Last player to survive the Kong First on the crane on Highrise wins. That simple. Except gravity. Gravity it turns out is not that simple. And if you enjoy this, you can just search "Swiftor Michael Myers" for similar episodes.

A few notes:

-Call of Duty kindly hooks me up with cod points now then (although I buy plenty of my own).
- I do not think its worth buying all 4 bundles for the Kong First unless you just really like all 4 bundles. I personally wasn't a fan of the Skar skin, the other 3 are pretty lit though.
- Was REALLY hoping a kill from the Kong Fist would send a player flying (like the Kong Armor finisher). If does have a pretty satisfying *THUNK* sound, but man, lost opportunity.

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