(NEW)冒頭特別公開『ウルトラマンレグロス』前編 [Episode1 ULTRAMAN REGULOS JPN/ENG Audio Track | Multi-Language Subtitles]

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『ウルトラマンレグロス』Episode 1
神秘の星、D60(リューシー) 。ここは、この星の守護神・コスモビーストと契約し、その力を宿して戦う幻の宇宙拳法・コスモ幻獣拳発祥の地。記憶を失い、この星に一人流れ着いたウルトラマン、その名はレグロス。彼は、コスモ幻獣拳闘士・高速凍豹拳のスピカに拾われ、総師マスターアルーデのもとで、修行を始める。同門の兄弟子・ディアスや、出稽古に来ていたL77星の王子・ウルトラマンレオとの鍛錬の中で、レグロスは徐々にその才能を開花させ始めるが・・・

One day, a young man named Ultraman Regulos washed up on the shore of D60, having lost all memories except for his name. Recognizing his talent, Master Alude took Regulos under his wing and began to teach him the legendary Cosmo Beast Style, said to be the strongest martial art in the universe… This is the story of his fierce battles.

☆Release Schedule
Episode 1: Tuesday, May 23rd 
Episode 2: Saturday, May 27th 
Episode 3: Saturday, June 3rd
Volume 1 (Episode 1~3): Saturday, June 3rd *only on Ultraman Connection

Episode 4: Tuesday, June 6th
Episode 5: Saturday, June 10th 
Episode 6: Saturday, June 17th
Volume 2 (Episode 4~6): Saturday, June 17th *only on Ultraman Connection

Ultraman Regulos: First Mission
Available on ULTRAMAN OFFICIAL YouTube Channel and Ultraman Connection from July 4th!

Volume 1: Tuesday, July 4th
Volume 2: Sunday, July 9th
Full Version: Sunday, July 9th *only on Ultraman Connection

#ウルトラマンレグロス #UltramanRegulos #ウルトラマンレオ