【ポケカ対戦】ウインディex:Arcanine ex【はらまりのPTCGL#95】





Pokémon: 10
1 Charizard ex MEW 6
3 Arcanine ex SVI 32
1 Moltres BRS 21
3 Growlithe SVI 31
2 Charmander PGO 8
2 Bidoof CRZ 111
1 Charmeleon PGO 9
2 Charizard PGO 10
2 Bibarel BRS 121
1 Radiant Charizard PGO 11

Trainer: 13
4 Ultra Ball SVI 196
2 Switch SVI 194
2 Boss's Orders BRS 132
3 Magma Basin BRS 144
4 Professor's Research SVI 190
3 Rare Candy SVI 191
1 Defiance Band SVI 169
1 Super Rod PAL 188
2 Mela PAR 167
3 Nest Ball SVI 181
2 Exp. Share SVI 174
1 Energy Search SVI 172
3 Arven SVI 166

Energy: 1
11 Basic {R} Energy SVE 2

Total Cards: 60


Hello. Thank you for always watching. Is it okay to distribute Windy decks as well? In the previous regulation, Kuitaran was included, but instead, Charizard EX, which is not Terrastar, was forcibly added. For some reason, Charmander hasn't been added, and instead of Kibana, it's Meroko. Meroko isn't bad, but it's difficult to use it properly, as it's not strong unless you use it after reducing the number of cards in your hand. I thought it would have been better to at least draw 3 cards without any conditions or with a condition and no hand limit. I'd like to build a Meroko themed deck someday, but the requirements are pretty strict. By the way, with the removal of Kuitaran, there is no longer a bench sniper opportunity, and I feel like this deck is the one I don't understand the most. Terrastal Charizard is not here! I feel like the only thing I can do is surprise the other person. This is a deck list. It's also at the end of the video. This video was great! If so, please give us a high rating and subscribe to the channel. Please watch again next time.

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