How to set up a VOD Archive Channel on YouTube for Twitch - guide and tips - Export VODs for dummies

2021/03/23 に公開
視聴回数 7,524
A short guide how to set up a VOD Archive Channel for exporting all your Twitch VODs to YouTube and some important notes to keep in mind when doing so.

Written instructions:
1. Connect your Twitch to YouTube here
2. Go to the YouTube channel switcher to create a new Brand account channel:
3. Verify your phone go to the studio dashboard - settings -channel - feature eligibility
4. Invite managers for your YouTube on the studio dashboard - Permissions - Via their email
5. Invite editors for your Twitch on the Community - Roles Mananger tab (they must already be mods)
6. REMINDER - Highlight streams to be below 6 hours long BEFORE you export them to YouTube otherwise you will encounter issues and muting any possible Copyright claims will NOT work.
7. REMINDER - Twitch Affiliates and Partners have an exclusive clause in their agreement and are not allowed to upload content elsewhere until after 24 hours after stream.


Meta Keyphrases:
How to backup your Twitch VODs
How to export your vods from twitch to youtube
How to set up a YouTube archvie
How to make a Twitch archive channel
Exporting VODs to YouTube from Twitch
How to set up a VOD archive
How to backup all VODs from Twitch to YouTube
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