【Summer Work BGM】 - 春茶メドレー 2021夏30曲 作業用BGM課題用に - Harutya Songs 2021

2021/07/01 に公開
視聴回数 74,115
【Summer Work BGM】 - 春茶メドレー 2021夏30曲 作業用BGM課題用に - Harutya Songs 2021
【Summer Work BGM】 - 春茶メドレー 2021夏30曲 作業用BGM課題用に - Harutya Songs 2021
Playlist :
01 . トドカナイカラ
02 . 明日への手紙
03 . 点描の唄
04 . 秒針を噛む
05 . 別の人の彼女になったよ
06 . 115万キロのフィルム
07 . ベイビー・アイラブユー
09 . 恋音と雨空
10 . Hikari
11 . 貴方解剖純愛歌〜死ね〜
12 . フラレガイガール
13 . 猫
14 . 琥珀色の街、上海蟹の朝
15 . SUSHI 食べたい
16 . snow jam
17 . はなびら
18 . 勿忘
19 . ぎゅっと。
20 . 薄ら氷心中
21 . ボクノート
22 . いつか
24 . サヨナラCOLOR
25 . バナナフィッシュの浜辺と黒い虹
26 . チョコレート
28 . エイプリル
29 . 百八円の恋
Hi there :') Welcome to my channel.
I share music that I like, and also hope that you like it as well, You can find mainly Japanese sad song, Beautiful & Relaxing Japanese song and Kawaii Cute Song
Main Content :
Japanese Song Collection
1 Hour Collection
Super Nice Japanese Song

I hope my channel can make you enjoy Japanese songs and hope that people in this World like Japanese songs
All music and picture in my channel is not mine, i just share to you all ♥ don't forget to support the artist (y) so they can continue to work with their latest songs or pictures

All rights belong to their respective owners. If any owner of track/background used in this channel is unhappy, feel free to contact me if anything is wrong and the video will be deleted completely, send me an e-mail to [momochan@gmail.com]
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