2024#撲克牌魔術教學#知牌缺多少#Poker Magic Tutorial#Know how many cards are missing#教程#撲克牌魔術#

2024/04/30 に公開
視聴回数 43
相信在魔術世界 撲克牌魔術該排名第一 因为它可以玩出上万的撲克游戏 当然这只是我個人的想法啦

拍摄时我现场没有观众 因此这些视频只作演示和示范 聪明的朋友们應該不是问题 也绝对可以理解
I didn’t have any audience on site during the shooting, so these videos are just for demonstration, everyone should understand
世上有缘看到这些视频的好友们 请帮忙訂閱本频道 让小频道可以生存下去 无以回報 这里只能先謝謝各位 感激不尽 感恩
Friends who are destined to see these videos in the world, please subscribe to this channel to help the small channel survive. When the video is released, I will also notify you as soon as possible. Thank you in advance I am very grate ful, thank you