1 Hour Study With Me | Morning | 🍅 Pomodoro 25/5 | Lofi + City Ambient Sounds 📚 | 4K Video

2023/06/05 に公開
視聴回数 8,615
========= About Chillax =========
Welcome to your new productivity partner, Chillax 4K YouTube Channel! Our unique approach combines the proven Pomodoro technique with a soothing musical backdrop to create an optimal environment for focus and productivity.

Chillax 4K (@chillax_4k) offers a series of music videos that alternate between focus and break sessions. This structure is scientifically proven to enhance productivity, helping you get more done in less time.

Our background music is a carefully curated mix of calm, lofi, and chill music, along with ambient noise such as rain sounds or nature sounds. These sounds are chosen to create a serene atmosphere that promotes concentration and reduces stress.

Join us and discover a new way to study, work, and achieve your goals. Subscribe to our channel and let's embark on this journey to enhanced productivity together.

========= Subscribe ! =========

========= Chapters =========
00:00:00 - Focus Time
00:25:01 - Relax Time
00:30:02 - Focus Time
00:55:03 - Relax Time

========= Channel Keywords =========
#Chillax #PomodoroMusic #FocusMusic #ProductivityMusic #StudyMusic #WorkMusic #LoFi #Ambient #Classical #Instrumental #PomodoroTechnique #ConcentrationMusic #RelaxingMusic #StudySession #TimeManagement #Chillax #番茄钟音乐 #专注音乐 #提高效率音乐 #学习音乐 #工作音乐 #低保真 #环境音乐 #古典 #器乐 #番茄工作法 #专注力音乐 #放松音乐 #学习时间管理 #Chillax #MusikPomodoro #MusikFokus #MusikProduktivitas #MusikBelajar #MusikKerja #LoFi #Ambient #Klasik #Instrumental #TeknikPomodoro #MusikKonsentrasi #MusikRelaksasi #SesiBelajar #ManajemenWaktu #Chillax #NhạcPomodoro #NhạcTậpTrung #NhạcNângCaoNăngSuất #NhạcHọcTập #NhạcLàmViệc #LoFi #NhạcKhôngGian #NhạcCổĐiển #NhạcCụ #PhươngPhápPomodoro #NhạcTậpTrung #NhạcThưGiãn #BuổiHọcTập #QuảnLýThờiGian