たこ焼 十八番プロの職人技 大阪道頓堀 Amazing Skills of Japanese Takoyaki Chefs - Osaka - 大阪道顿堀的美味章鱼烧

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たこ焼十八番 Takoyaki Juhachiban

生地にはだしと牛乳をブレンドし、タコ、紅ショウガ、小エビをまぶす。そして、たっぷりの天カスをのせたら、ここからが高速!! カリッとした食感を出すために芸術ともいえる職人技で、生地に天カスを巻き込むようにクルクル。後は素早く小まめに返し、熱伝導率の良い銅板で生地表面を均一に焼きつけていく。焼き上がりはカリッ&中はちょいクリーミィ。技術と素材が合わさって完成する。「一球一魂」(いっきゅういっこん)のたこ焼き、“1球1球”を大切に焼き上げています。


The batter is blended with dashi stock and milk, and sprinkled with octopus, red pickled ginger, and small shrimp. Then, once you've put plenty of tempura bits on top, it's high speed from here! To create a crunchy texture, craftsmanship that can be called art is used to roll the tempura bits into the batter. After that, turn the dough quickly and frequently, and bake the surface of the dough evenly with a copper plate that has good thermal conductivity. Crispy when baked and slightly creamy inside. A perfect combination of technology and materials. "One ball, one soul" Takoyaki, "one ball, one ball" is carefully baked.

*This video was filmed with prior permission.

〒542-0071 大阪府大阪市中央区道頓堀1丁目7−21 中座くいだおれビル 1F

Address 1-7-21 Dotonbori, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 542-0071 Nakaza Kuidaore Building 1F
Business hours 11:00-21:00 (no fixed holidays)

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#たこ焼き #たこ焼十八番 #Takoyaki