Spiritual Test | 1 John 4:1-3
1 John 4:1–6 • Test the spirits
Verse by Verse Teaching | 1 John 4-5 | Gary Hamrick
1 John 3;4: God is love
John 4 (Part 1): 1 - 24 • Living Water and True Worship
A Verse A Day | 1 John 4:4
Books of 1-3 John Summary: A Complete Animated Overview
What It Means for Jesus to Be the "Word of God"
Do Not Believe every spirit (John MacArthur) ~ 1 John 4
John MacArthur: 1 John 3:4-10 Lawlessness is Sin
1 John 4 [Daily Bible Study]
"Whosoever is Born of God Doth Not Commit Sin" 1 John 3 Explained
1 John 4:7-13, Love In Every Way
Verse by Verse Teaching | 1 John 3:3-24 | Gary Hamrick
John Piper - 1 John - A Message for True Believers
1 John Bible Study: 1 John 4:1-6
What Does "Perfect Love Casts Out Fear" Mean? (1 John 4:18)
1 John 4:1-6 – Deception: An Attack on Relationship
Acceptable Worship, Part 1 (John 4:20-24)
1 John 4:20 Bible Study - Can You Love God but Hate Other People? - Christian Advice