All The 'Halloween' Title Cards (1978-2022)
80s & 90s Movie Title Card Compilation
All The 'The Amityville Horror' Title Cards (1979-2017) [OFFICIAL CANON]
Family Guy- Movie Intros
Best Horror Movie TITLE SEQUENCES | Title Sequence Compilation
Smile (2022) - Title Sequence
Friday the 13th (1980) title sequence
Friday The 13th (1980) | Title Card/Intro Credits
Title Cards in Movies
80s American Psycho - Brat Pack clip
Mandy (2018) Title Cards
The Equalizer's Awesome Title Sequence & Why '80s T.V. Show Credits Rule | Angry Nerd
German Godzilla titles (Partial)
"Terror of Mechagodzilla" UPA version titles (1983? and '94?)
The Thing (1982) title sequence
LOBBY CARDS: Science Fiction, Horror, Monster---1940s-1980s 300 Images
The New Scooby Doo Mysteries [All Title Cards Collection]
Every Friday the 13th Title Card | 1980-2003 | VHS Capture
Supernatural - ALL opening credits/ title cards (Season 1-8)
Stanley Kubrick Movie Title Cards