Summary of The Little Liar: A Novel by Mitch Albom | Free Audiobook
"The Little Liar" by Mitch Albom -- A REVIEW
An appropriately unhinged recap of Pretty Little Liars (Part 1)
The Little Liar Audiobook Summary Mitch Albom
The Little Liar // Official Trailer
An appropriately unhinged recap of Pretty Little Liars (Part 2)
Mitch Albom’s ‘The Little Liar’ | Your Morning
The Inevitable Downfall of Pretty Little Liars
THE LITTLE LIAR - By Mitch Albom
An appropriately unhinged recap of Pretty Little Liars (Part 3 - FINALE)
Everything That Happened In Pretty Little Liars: an insane recap
Pretty Little Liars is kinda dumb
We Finally Understand The Pretty Little Liars Ending
The Ultimate Pretty Little Liars Recap | With Ian Harding
The Little Liar Audiobook Review | Mitch Albom Audiobook Review
Mitch Albom talks using truth as the narrator in ‘The Little Liar’
The Little Liar - The Lies We Tell and their Impact | Mitch Albom | GUEST
'The Pretty Little Liars' Books Have A Way Better Villain
Pretty Little Liars Season 1 Recap
The Many Problematic Relationships of Pretty Little Liars *a deep dive*