41: Adapted PE Part 1: Why the split?
CAMP Nugget
APU In the Moment: Adapted Physical Education
CSULB's After School Adapted Physical-Activity Program (ASAPP) 2016
Event: Reaching for Equity and Excellence: California’s Educational Progress and the Path Ahead
IEP Webinar Series 2024 THREE (ENG) — (April 11th, 2024)
Cal Poly Pomona: Teacher Credential Programs Workshop
ASAPP: CSU, Long Beach, Kinesiology Department’s After School Adapted Physical–Activity Program
Nicole Lombardi-Risen& Heidi Ambrosius-EPEW 2021-Adapted Physical Education Supports for Inclusion
Education Specialist APE Added Authorization
Module 1: Roles and Responsibilities of Adapted Physical Educators
OutEd, SPED and APE [D3]
Adapted Physical Education (APE) - How does APE support students with disabilities?
AdaptX Podcast #074- Paralympics to Adapted Physical Education with Chris Ahrens
The Power of the CAPE. [G4]
Adapted Physical Education: Physical Education Service Delivery for Students with Disabilities
PE Movie Final Edits
Cal Poly Pomona Teacher Credential Programs
TOY Talk Tuesday - Episode 16: Adapted Physical Education & School Reentry (Part 2)
Demonstration of The Test of Secondary Basic Sports Skills Digital Manual.