Creating and maintaining a conda-forge package
How to install feather format using conda forge
Conda-forge in 2022 | SciPy 2022
GeoSoft Lesson 25 - Updating a Python Package on conda-forge
Conda Forge - Community Driven Packaging That Works for You - Marius van Niekerk
Jan Janssen - Packaging Scientific Software with Conda-Forge - IPAM at UCLA
MetPy Mondays #2 - Conda Forge
pip install conda forge
Research Software Hour 011: conda and Anaconda, an instruction manual
MetPy Mondays #170 - Setting up a Windows Machine with Miniconda and Conda-Forge
Create conda-forge package recipe online for Python libraries with Conda-Forger App
conda-forge in 2021 - Eric Dill | PyData Global 2021
#94: Guaranteed packages via Conda and Conda-Forge
conda-forge, (lib)mamba & libsolv: universal and reusable parts - Wolf Vollprecht | PackagingCon2021
Anaconda is Bloated - Set up a Lean, Robust Data Science Environment with Miniconda and Conda-Forge
pip install conda forge package
Geographic Software Design Week 14: Publishing Python packages on conda-forge
Community-Powered Packaging with conda-forge | SciPy 2016 | Phillip Elson
GEOG-510 Week 13 - Publish Python Packages on Conda-forge
FPGA: Conda installation Environment create and managing packages dependencies