How I Learned to Play the Piano as an Adult (With No Experience)
大人になってから楽器を学ぶ - それだけの価値はありますか??通説と、あなたがそうすべきトップ 5 の理由!
楽器演奏は脳にどのような効果をもたらすか -アニタ・コリンズ
好きな楽器をマスターする方法 (初心者からプロまで)
Why do adults learning a musical instrument progress slower than children
5 Amazing Benefits of Learning a Musical Instrument
Could Playing Music DRASTICALLY Change Your Brain?
The Five Easiest Musical Instruments to Learn How to Play
The Harmonica: Tiny Instrument, Huge Impact!
One year of piano progress (as a 40-year-old beginner)
初心者向けの私のお気に入りの楽器 5 つ
#7 Why is learning a musical instrument so hard - and how to solve it
Tips on learning a musical instrument for parents and adults with Johnny Corbin Broermann
Learning a Language is like Learning a Musical Instrument
Why The Piano is the Best Instrument Ever
How Many Instruments!? #shorts
Let’s play handpan
How guitar players treat their instrument