How to Reference Multiple Authors in APA Style
Citing Sources with More than One Author in APA Style, 7th edition: Episode 2
APA 7th Edition: The Basics of APA In-text Citations | Scribbr 🎓
Mastering APA 7th Edition: Citing Multiple Authors
Unit 3 Video 5: Citations that include multiple authors
Quick APA: Multiple Authors
APA 7th Edition: Creating APA Reference Entries | Scribbr 🎓
How do you cite a book with three authors in APA?
Where to Place In-Text Citations When Paraphrasing | APA 7th Edition
APA Style in 60 Seconds - Episode 2: Multiple Authors
APA Citation Two Authors
The Basics of Citing and Referencing in APA 7th Edition
How do you cite multiple authors in APA 7th edition?
In-text references in both the APA 7th and the APA 6th style
How do you cite a book with multiple authors in APA 7th edition?
🔥✅ 😃How to make citations with 3 or more authors (APA 7th) - Research is easy
The Basics of APA In-text Citations (6th Edition) | Scribbr 🎓