How to get the RecordType/Id Name of Account Object based on AccountId & Show in Lightning Component
Salesforce: Get Record Type Id by Developer Name
How to Find a Record Type ID in Salesforce
How to get record type name in LWC component without using Apex class
Salesforce: Getting record type id by developer name without making query
How to get record type id in Salesforce flow dynamically | Salesforce Flow for Beginners
Salesforce: How to get the list of record type Id of an sObject by SOQL? (4 Solutions!!)
Salesforce: How to get the RecordType/Id name based on the ID?
Salesforce: Getting the record type ID via Apex (2 Solutions!!)
How to Use Record Types in Salesforce Flows
Pass Record Type Id in Salesforce LWC lightning record form
How to get the RecordType Name from the Account Object & display the Name in Lightning Component
Salesforce: Fetch Record Type Id based on Developer Name without SOQL? (2 Solutions!!)
Salesforce: Get RecordTypeID by Name for Lightning Component
Salesforce: Get Record Type Developer Name without SOQL Query (2 Solutions!!)
Insert record Id of lookup field value with passing parameters to apex class using custom controller
Salesforce: How to get recordtypeid from generic object?
Salesforce: toLabel(RecordType.Name) and RecordType.Name in the same SOQL query (3 Solutions!!)
Wire in lwc |getPicklistValuesByRecordType | lwc salesforce tutorial
Salesforce: Use Name vs DeveloperName for RecordType? (5 Solutions!!)