'Mugged' by a Curious Minke Whale 🐳
Antarctic minke whales with Dr. Ari Friedlaender
122 Pregnant Minke Whales Killed In Japan's Whale Hunt Last Summer | TIME
Whale Watching Captain’s Wife & Daughter Mugged…by a Minke Whale! | Capt. Dave's Whale Watching
Curious Minke Whales Approach Dana Point Whale Watching Boats
Saving Whales by Studying Their Food
Killer Whales Attack Minke Frozen Planet BBC Earth
The Cook, the Hunter, the Whales & their Watchers
60 Minutes: A whale tale (2017)
Minke whale tour the Great Barrier Reef
ORCA Lesson 2: How do whales, dolphins & porpoises feed?
Responsible Whale Watching Guides Course: Expert Panel and Advice
A Passion for Whales Blossoms Into an Ocean Technology Career in Nova Scotia
Ship strikes may be the difference between extinction and survival for some endangered whale species
Three whales breach surface simultaneously off Cape Cod coast | ABC News
Habitats 2 - Symbiosis and Food Chains
Evaluating methods to reduce humpback whale ship strike mortality within the San Francisco Bay
Socio-Economic Values of the Contribution of Cetaceans to the Ecosystem Functioning Workshop
Taka Dive Cairns - Minke Whales
Are Whales Winning?