TTC tickets, tokens and day passes will no longer be accepted as payment after Dec. 31
TTC tickets, tokens and old streetcars being phased out
Concerns about tickets being used to replace TTC tokens
TTC changeover to Presto
Tokens to be phased out by TTC
Calls to extend TTC deadline to use tokens, tickets and day passes
Debit and credit tap payment option still not available on the TTC
Video: TTC using new strategy for fare inspection
TTC tweets cause fare transfer confusion
TTC riders will soon face higher fees for fare evasion
Toronto Auditor General's Review of Fare Evasion on the TTC & the Fare Inspection Program
TTC, Go Transit co-fare discount announced
TTC suspends fare gate installation
Advocates concerned about phasing out of TTC tokens
TTC Board approves 10-cent fare hike
How do I purchase a PRESTO ticket for use on the TTC?
TTC replaces fare payment boxes with proof-of-purchase machines on new streetcars
Fare inspectors in Toronto are everywhere
Ride-along with TTC Fare Evasion Inspectors
Woman angry she can't get cash refund for TTC tokens