The Life of an Irish Birder, Rare and Scarce birds of 2020-2021 in Ireland
Woodpecker - Teagasc Environmental Research centre
Woodpecker, Tollymore Forest Park, Northern Ireland
A personal account of the Mega Rare birds seen in Britain & Ireland 2009 - 2013
The woodpecker heard then found up in a beech tree
Rare & Scarce Birds seen in Britain & Ireland 2010
The Greater Spotted Woodpecker
Woodland Birds in Ireland
Woodpecker Watching
Male great spotted woodpecker nesting at Montalto Estate
Wildlife Wednesday Episode 18
BTO Bird ID - Great & Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers
Birds of Ireland - part one
Brambling- A rare spring visitor. Stopping over on its way to back to Scandinavia
List of birds of Ireland
Mary, the Hen Harrier from the Isle of Man who travelled to Ireland, where she was killed
Valentine’s Day - kissing trees, frogs spawning, bird song & woodpeckers
Birds Connect Woodpeckers in Ireland Webinar - 16th June 2021
Drumming Lesser and Great Spotted Woodpeckers
Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) | How To Identify