Assertion : Starch is the storage polysaccharide in plants . Reason : Starch is a polymer
EVERYTHING you need to know about Starch Vs Cellulose.
Assertion (A): Starch is a homopolymer.\nReason (R): It is made of severalglucoseunits.....
In each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by correspondi...
Which of the following polymers of glucose is stored by animals?
In human system, starch acts as a nutrient but cellulose does not. Explain. Why? | 12 | BIOMOLEC...
Study the given statements and select the correct answer. (i)Cellulose is a homopolymer of glucose.
(1) If both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are True and the Reason (R) is a correct explanation of...
A mixture of amylose and amylopectin is called: a. Lactose b. Starc...
Select the correct option, which represents the homopolysaccharides made up of glucose monomers. ...
Cell Unit, Biomolecules, Cell Division | Statement & Assertion and Reason| Dr. Pranali Ma'am #NEET
Glycogen is a homopolymer made of a. Glucose units b. Galactose units c. Ribose units d. Aminoaci...
Starch is converted to maltose by the action of
Polymers | NCERT Exemplar Questions | Anoop Vashishtha | Unacademy NEET
Study the given statements and select the correct answer. (i) Cellulose is a homospolymer of glu...
Callulose is not digestible by human beings due to the absence of cellulose hydrolysing
Cellulose is a polymer of :-
Glycogen is a homonpolymer made up of