Autism: getting lost in London
The Autism Cafe - Meet Charlie and Eileen
Can you make it to the end?
Fair Shot Cafe: Helping young Londoners with learning disabilities into work
A cafe where all the workers have autism
London Café Gives Workers with Learning Disabilities a ‘Fair Shot’ at Employment | AP1B
Phoenix Blend Cafe
A Great Little Place social enterprise café
Autism Resource Centre opens its largest social enterprise Professor Brawn cafe at Enabling Village
Autism Cafe at the Cypriot Community Centre 29.10.22
The undatebales Michael and Alice's date. #theundateables
London School Centre for Autism Awareness
3 May - Nickie Aiken MP champions the incredible work of the Fair Shot Café
Life With Autism - Traveling To London On Your Own
Hang Out at Dome Cafe with Her World - The Evolution of Autism Awareness in Malaysia
Talking about autism at the Kind Café in Harrow for World Autism Awareness Week, 28 March - 3 April.
Battlefront-Bella Tommey- Give Autism a Chance- Cafe Direct
Transforming Autism on London Live
London Coffee Week