What is the Best Translation for Bible Study?
History of Bible Translation
Hebrew English Bible
MEV Modern English, 21st Century King James, NKJV, And Jubilee Bible Translations
The Interlinear Hebrew-Greek-English Bible, One-Volume Edition
How We Got the Bible: Ancient Manuscripts to the King James Version
History of Bible Translation, Dr. Donald Brake
Battle For The Bible - The English Bible - Wycliffe, Tyndale, Cranmer
Literal biblical interpretation, Meister Eckhart on taste and… French toast?
The Man that Translated the Bible to English.
English Bible Translations Family Tree
History of Bible Translation | Seed Company
All Bible translations explained in 7 minutes
Bible Translations: here's what they hide from you
How to Translate the Bible: Problems and Pitfalls
Are Bible translations reliable?
Choosing a Bible Translation
Why You SHOULD Read the Bible in its Original Languages
JOHN WYCLIFFE - First to Translate the Bible into English
The MOST Accurate Bible Translation Was Just Released