Can You Guess His Weight? Most Overweight People in the World
Stomach reduction surgery for world's heaviest man a success
I Investigated the Most Obese City in America…
The Fattest People in History. Officially Recorded Cases.
Why is this baby so overweight? - BBC News
26-Year-Old Weighs More Than What The Scales Can Handle | My 600LB Life
Top 6 Most Common Food Intolerances (Do You Have One?!)
10 Fattest People in The World
Weight Comparison: The Most Overweight People on The World. Heaviest person EVER
20 Fattest People in The World
The Harsh Reality Of Being 800 Pounds | Doctor Reacts
"I'm A Dolphin": Amy and Tammy Go Swimming! | 1000-lb Sisters
Dr Now Refuses To Help 600LB Patient Who Won’t Lose Weight I My 600-LB Life
The Most Overweight People on The World
World's FATTEST Person!
Incredible Weight-Loss Transformations! | Family By the Ton (Compilation)
The FATTEST People In The World
Family Guy: National Association for the Advance of Fat People (Clip) | TBS
Severely Obese Man Slowly Losing Weight