Excel のブール関数の簡単なガイド | NOT、AND、OR
Excel の論理関数 - IF、AND、OR
Excel IF 式: シンプルから高度まで (複数の条件、ネストされた IF、AND、OR 関数)
These Excel Functions Make Data Analysis Easy
Boolean Operators in Excel
Excel マジック トリック 980: 1 つの数式での OR と AND のカウント基準、ブール値または MATCH?
15 Add Boolean operators AND, OR to IF formulas
How to Use COUNTIFS Function with AND/OR Logic
【ACCESS VBA】Boolean型で真偽判定
Excel Quick Hit: Wrap Boolean Expressions with AND Formula
Easy Guide to Boolean Functions in Excel | NOT, AND, OR
Ms Excel Boolean logic (logical test) in formulas |And,Or,Xor (❗important concept)
Microsoft Excel Logical Conditions and Boolean Expressions AND OR NOT
Function if and Boolean Operators AND, OR, NOT Review
How to Master Excel: Boolean Logic and If Statements
Spreadsheets #6: Boolean and Comparison Operators
Excel Magic Trick 458: OR and AND criteria Together In Data Extract Array Formula Boolean Logic Math
Microsoft Excel: Boolean Functions | Dr. Samer Ali
Excel: If Statements and Boolean Operators