Defining Constants. Should I use CONST or #DEFINE?
C++ : How to define a const double inside a class's header file?
Defining a Static Data Member of Type const std::string in C++
How to Fix Multiple Definition Error in C++ Logger and Enhance Logging Information
How To Create A Library And Split A Program Across Multiple Files | C Programming Tutorial
Understanding static Variable Declarations in C++ Header Files
Embedded C questions:23. Is it acceptable to declare/define a variable in a C header?
Const in C++: Variables, Pointers, Constexpr, Pointer and Reference to Const Are Explained
Global variables in a multi-file project in C
06.7 every C/C++ header file needs a header guard
How to use macro/define constant in our C program(part_15)?
const modifier with C++ class member functions and const references to objects
Constants In C Program The Uses Of Define And Const Variables With Atom Text Editor #6
C Plus Plus Include Guards or Header Guards
What are header files in C++ ( PROGRAMMING TUTORIAL for beginners)
Header files In C Programming
C++ロガーのmultiple definitionエラーを修正し、ログ情報を強化する方法
What is #define in C and C++?
Inline Variables
Learn C++ | define vs const vs constexpr