3 things you DON'T KNOW happen to YOUR BODY under anesthesia (and HACKS TO FIX in 2023!)
How Anesthesia Affects Your Brain And Body
Why You're Intubated for Surgery- And What Anesthesia Breathing Tubes Looks Like
Breathing For You - Why You Stop Breathing Under Anesthesia (watch end for 🤣)
What are some common side effects of anesthesia after surgery?
Your Secrets Exposed Under Anesthesia? Doctor Explains
Does sleep apnea make it harder for patients to undergo anesthesia?
When you forget to breathe 😮
ICA virtual classroom Pediatric & Cardio-obstetric case presentations: ICA Webinar 235
Anxiety in Surgery (What Happens Under Anesthesia?)
REAL ANESTHESIOLOGIST discusses the RISK of DYING Under General Anesthesia
7 Things You Should Not Do After General Anesthesia
Risks of anesthesia: How to discuss with patients
How long does it take anesthesia to leave your body? Dr. Kaveh LIVE
General Anesthesia 101: What to Expect Post-Surgery!
Fear of Going to Sleep: The Risk of General Anesthesia
Waking up during surgery? The truth about general anesthesia & how awareness is prevented
How To Tell If A Patient Is Awake Under Anesthesia? (And What To Do)
Recovering From Anesthesia -- Recovery After Outpatient Surgery Education Series
Your Anxiety Revealed Under Anesthesia? (can you hide it?) 2023 update!